As your little one grow, you want to make sure that they have every possible advantage to help them find success as an adult. Part of this is taking the time to bring them to all of their necessary healthcare appointments, and even though time can be a strain as a new parent, these visits are an important part of helping them to grow up happy and healthy. Just like you do, your child needs to see the dentist at least twice each year for a checkup!
When it is time for their next cleaning and examination, bring them to meet with our caring team of dental experts in El Paso, TX. Our team is here for patients of all ages, and we want to make sure that they get started on the right foot. Dental habits start at an early age, so give them the tools that they need to be successful in their oral health. If they have started to ignore their brushing and flossing, we can be a helpful source of dental education so that they stay on the right track!
Even With Baby Teeth, Your Little One Needs A Dental Examination
One common mistake made by new parents is the belief that their child can wait to see their oral health provider. But even when they only have one or two of their baby teeth, it is important to give them the dental education that they need to learn healthy habits. These start at an early age, so it is vital to stick to the treatment plan that their dentist gives to you.
Their first set of teeth also serve as a roadmap for their adult ones, meaning that skipping their appointments now can cost you down the line in orthodontic bills. Rather than trying to catch up later, help them to understand their dental needs from the start.
When Was Your Last Cleaning And Screening?
If you are noticing that it is time for your next appointment when you schedule your child’s visit, use this as an opportunity to show them how it’s done. By combining your appointment times with that of your little one, you can be a great role model by showing them that the dental office is a place for them to take care of themselves. Talk to our team about making a combined appointment for both you and your child!
Schedule Their Next Pediatric Dental Appointment At Sunny Smiles
Your child’s oral health habits start at an early age, so make sure that you are giving them the tools that they need to be successful in their dental journey. Schedule their next appointment by giving us a call at your neighborhood Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd in El Paso, TX at (915)849-9000.