A Dental Treatment For TMJ Disorder

Woman with headache

Do you have constant headaches or soreness in your jaw and face? If so, you may have problems with the alignment of your jaw. Known as TMJ disorder or TMD, this problem can cause difficulty opening and closing your mouth in addition to consistent pain throughout your head. Left untreated, TMJ can increase the likelihood of wearing down your smile through constant grinding.

At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we can provide a nonsurgical solution to help you relax your jaw. By designing an appliance that gently glides your joints into a more comfortable position, you can relieve your TMD symptoms and improve your quality of life. If you have any popping or cracking sensations, headaches, or facial stiffness, we invite you to come in for an exam at your earliest convenience!

Understanding TMJ Disorder

Any issue that disrupts the balance of your bite can pull your jaw out of alignment. This is because you may perform repetitive straining motions to make your teeth connect when biting and chewing. TMJ has a variety of causes that include physical trauma, untreated bruxism, missing teeth, and problems with your jaw’s growth. By evaluating the cause of your misalignment, we can better choose your treatment plan.

The Symptoms Of TMD

Pay attention to any sudden developments in your face, head, or oral cavity. If you have a sudden popping sensation in your jaw, facial pain, or headaches, they can all indicate a problem with your TMJ. You may even feel symptoms lower in your back and shoulders. Because TMD is associated with chronic teeth grinding, you may develop sensitive teeth as your enamel wears down to expose the layer below. In addition to providing treatment to align your jaw, we can explore restorative dental solutions to repair your smile after damage from misalignment.

Designing A Custom Oral Appliance

Depending upon the specific cause of your TMJ pain, we will select from a variety of treatments. Patients with malocclusion may require orthodontic treatment to realign their bite. If your missing teeth are contributing to your headaches, we can explore dental bridges and implants to restore your full smile. We even place dental crowns to return height to worn-down smiles.

We can create an oral appliance to wear at night to relieve stress on your jaw. By taking a digital impression of your mouth, we design your appliance to fit your specific bite and reposition your jaw. When you use your treatment habitually, you can enjoy waking up feeling more refreshed.


If you have been unable to determine the cause of your constant headaches, we can help you determine if you have a problem with your TMJ. To find out more about how our team treats headaches, then please contact our Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd in El Paso, TX at (915) 849-9000.