An otherwise healthy smile can require extraction services, and may even require oral surgery, when wisdom teeth begin to erupt. The simple but frustrating reality for many is that there is simply no space for these teeth, which is why their arrival can create so many problems. Without the right intervention, issues with crowding, enamel damage, and the painful shifting of the wisdom teeth themselves can occur and complicate matters with your smile and well-being. Fortunately, you can turn to Sunny Smiles for support with this matter. Through our support, these third molars can be carefully extracted before they jeopardize your well-being. We can also provide early warnings to patients who come in for regular dental exams, as we can check on their potential movement.
Why Wisdom Teeth Are Often Extracted
Our mouths only offer limited space, which is why our wisdom teeth—also known as our third molars—are often an unwelcome addition. Because there is too little space for them in many mouths, they tend to cause discomfort by pushing against their neighbors. The force of that pressure can crack molars, cause teeth to shift, and may even alter the eruption of wisdom teeth in ways that cause them to shift and become stuck! The sooner their movement is identified and addressed, the sooner we can see to it that they are removed without complications.
We Can Make Sure Your Teeth Are Carefully Removed
We will assess the current positions of your wisdom teeth and determine when they should be extracted. If necessary, we can recommend that they be removed via oral surgery. Taking this approach lets us remove them sooner, so they are taken out before they can create issues for their neighbors. After their removal, we can take care of the treatment area and provide guidance on enjoying proper healing.
The Importance Of Staying Informed About Oral Health Developments
If you keep up with general dental exams, you receive early warnings when problems arise, which means they are treated before you have to worry about complications. Semiannual appointments provide you with regular warnings about issues that merit in-office care. That can mean the timely removal of wisdom teeth, but it can also refer to care for problems like dental decay and gum disease. We also provide thorough cleanings at these appointments, which means they defend you against the onset of tartar buildup.
Talk To Sunny Smiles About The Need To Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
Through the timely removal of your wisdom teeth, you can avoid potentially serious problems that could impact your appearance and health. If you would like to find out more, contact our Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd in El Paso, TX at 915-849-9000.