When your tooth starts to hurt, you can have some understandable concerns about what the discomfort might mean for your oral health. A brief issue with discomfort can be unrelated to any dental problems, but a persistent or serious ache can certainly be connected to issues that call for restorative dental work. An appointment at Sunny Smiles can provide you with feedback about the condition of an aching tooth; we may need to provide a root canal in order to resolve problems with an infection. Doing so will clear out bacteria and infected tissues, stopping problems with an advanced cavity or injury and restoring the health of your tooth. After this, we can provide a dental crown to offer lasting support.
Your Toothache Could Be A Warning That Your Tooth Is Infected
A painful toothache, or one that lingers and does not seem to improve on its own, can point to problems with a severe cavity or injury that create internal problems. Trouble within your pulp, the central chamber of your tooth, should not be dismissed. Issues within this structure can put you at risk for losing a tooth, and it can make you susceptible to new problems as bacteria continue to spread.
How Root Canal Treatments Address Serious Oral Health Threats
Through root canal therapy, we can deal with problems that affect a tooth’s inner structure. Bacteria can make their way to your pulp when you have an advanced cavity, or when a physical injury leaves you vulnerable to trouble. The procedure will remove infected tissues and bacteria to stop you from experiencing further trouble with your health. After this, the space is sealed and a crown will be put in place to cap the tooth and protect it. Because we can provide lifelike dental crowns, we can make sure that your smile is not changed even if restorative work is done on one of your front teeth.
Keeping Up With Smile Care To Prevent Oral Health Complications
If you want to make future issues with decay less likely, keep up with a good daily oral hygiene routine and commit to regular oral health checkups. During your dental exams and cleanings, you can learn about possible problems with decay before there are complications that need to be managed. While a small cavity will do permanent harm to your enamel, we can preserve the overall structure and limit harm. With a dental filling, we can protect the structure without making a change to your appearance.
Talk To Sunny Smiles About Treatment For A Persistent Toothache
A persistent toothache is not something that you should ignore, as it can be a warning that your tooth is in real trouble! If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of you in this and other situations, contact our Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd today at 915-849-9000.