Trouble With Wisdom Teeth? We Can Help!

When the time to remove your wisdom teeth comes, you can recognize that something is wrong due to the feeling of pressure on your back teeth, as well as the sensation of pain in the back of your jaw. These teeth often need to be removed because there is just not enough space to accommodate them. By having them professionally removed, you can prevent potential complications that can further impact your well-being and alter your smile! Sunny Smiles is here to help patients with their wisdom teeth extractions. Remember that you can receive advance warning of the need for their removal when you stay consistent with dental exams, as we can evaluate you and watch for the early signs of their eruption.

Why Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Wisdom teeth are the last to arrive, coming after your other permanent teeth are all already in place. The trouble with the arrival of these teeth, also known as your third molars, is that you can simply lack space for them. If they are not removed, they can become impacted due to that lack of room, which means they only partially erupt or arrive at awkward angles. Another concern is that they will push against neighboring teeth, which can lead to enamel damage and crowding. Fortunately, when wisdom teeth are extracted in time, you can avoid any further troubles.

Arranging Your Extraction

By evaluating your jaw and the current location of your wisdom teeth, we can assess how your extraction should proceed. If necessary, we can recommend minor oral surgery to safely remove them before they can create problems for you. During any procedure to take care of these third molars, we can take care to have them out without interfering with neighboring teeth. With proper care, you can enjoy a full recovery and be relieved to know that you underwent treatment without any complications. In the event that problems did arise, we can discuss further care to make sure that all troubles are fully addressed.

Are You Doing Enough To Stay Informed About Your Overall Oral Health?

If you schedule regular dental exams and cleanings, you can receive timely warnings about wisdom teeth eruptions and other matters. Remember that these visits are important even when you feel that nothing is wrong. This is because we can recognize problems even befre they are serious enough to cause you discomfort!

Talk To Sunny Smiles If You Are Concerned About Your Wisdom Teeth

Problems with the arrival of your wisdom teeth can become difficult to ignore. When you start to experience the painful symptoms of their eruption, know that our office is here to help! For more information on how we can address this issue, or to learn how we can take care of any other issue that affects you, contact our Sunny Smiles location on N Zaragoza Rd today at 915-849-9000.