Treatment for a cavity includes the placement of a permanent restoration, something that you will need due to the effect decay has on your enamel. The tissue damage you experience is permanent, which is why prompt treatment to minimize harm is so important. The good news is that with a custom, lifelike filling, Sunny Smiles can actually restore your tooth and preserve the way you look! We use a composite resin material that actually bonds with the enamel it is applied to, leading to remarkable stability as well as more functional support. When a filling is not capable of providing enough support for your tooth, we can discuss treatment with a dental crown, which can also be developed in order to preserve the way you look.
Will Restorative Treatment Change Your Smile?
Restorative dental work tends to problems with the permanent damage that occurs when you have a cavity, or when you experience a physical injury. The goal is to provide the right protection so that you can confidently bite and chew without creating new problems for your tooth, and to keep you from developing more problems with infection. We place fillings that are capable of providing lasting support, but we can also take care to provide restorations that are a close visual match for your surrounding enamel. This preserves your smile while also preserving your oral health!
Receiving A Custom, Tooth-Colored Dental Filling
Our tooth-colored fillings are made from a resin substance that can imitate enamel and also bond to it for long-term stability. The material is carefully applied after a cavity is removed. After hardening, your restoration will keep bacteria out of the space where you previously experienced problems with decay. It will also protect the surrounding structure so that it can still absorb the pressure created whenever you bite and chew food.
Restorative dental work is meant to provide permanent protection for a tooth. If you have an older restoration that starts to feel loose, or starts to make you uncomfortable, let your dentist know. Gradual wear and tear can negatively affect your filling and make it necessary for you to receive a replacement.
We Can Also Provide A Lifelike Crown
Larger cavities, infections, and many physical injuries call for treatment with dental crowns. Crowns completely cover teeth above the gum line, serving to protect the structure and also support your healthy bite function. There are several materials that are used to create custom crowns. We can use a porcelain or metal crown to cover your tooth so that we can preserve its appearance and also provide the right restorative support.
Sunny Smiles Provides Dental Fillings That Match Enamel
We are here to help when patients need to do something about dental decay but worry about the effect treatment will have on their appearance. To find out how we can take care of you, contact your El Paso, TX, dentists by calling us at 915-849-9000.