How A Dental Implant Holds Your Restoration In Place

The support a dental implant provides your dental prosthetic can have a positive effect on your quality of life, your confidence, and your dental function. Implants serve an important role when it comes to restoring your complete smile. Because dental prostheses are only replacing the crown of your tooth (the portion above your gum line), you miss out on some of the important advantages that roots provide. Your implant takes over the responsibilities of teeth roots. In addition to securing the restoration to your jaw, the implant can keep neighboring roots stable, provide better support for biting and chewing, and preserve the health of your jawbone. Your El Paso, TX dentist’s office can talk to you about using dental implant support to bring back your full smile.

Receiving A Dental Implant

Before the placement process begins, your dentist will review your oral health, and examine your jawbone, to make sure you are ready to receive a dental implant. After a careful examination of your jawbone, your dentist will identify where an implant should be placed. This prosthetic root is inserted into the space where your lost tooth root formerly resided. It is important to give your implant time to heal, as it needs to be stable enough to let you bite and chew food with your restoration when you receive it.

Enjoying Life With Better Dental Function, And A Complete Smile

Showing off a complete set of teeth can be something you obviously look forward to. After all, tooth loss can make your smile seem unhealthy, and less attractive, which can leave you in a state of discomfort. Of course, while a confident smile can be appreciated, there is more than just a cosmetic benefit to your work. Your implant-held restoration is capable of improving your biting and chewing functions, so you can avoid pains associated with TMJ dysfunction. This also reduces wear and tear on remaining teeth, which can lead to the need for dental crowns, and even further tooth loss.

Are You A Good Candidate For A Same-Day Implant?

Same-day implants give patients their full smile without a waiting period. Your same-day implant will make it possible for you to show off a full smile after the implant placement, instead of requiring you to wait for an appropriate healing period before receiving your dental restoration. Acting quickly to replace a lost tooth can improve your chances of being approved for this treatment, as your dentist has to make sure your jawbone is healthy enough to take this approach.

Sunny Smiles In El Paso, TX Can Provide You With An Implant-Held Restoration!

Sunny Smiles in El Paso, TX can provide you with quality prosthetic dental support! If you have questions about this process of restoring your smile with an implant-held restoration, or if you have any other questions about our services, you can contact our Sunny Smiles location in East El Paso, TX, by calling 915-849-9000!