Category: Bruxism/Teeth-Grinding

Treatment For Bruxism Can Improve Your Sleep

When considering your oral health, you likely prioritize caring for your gums and teeth. While this is helpful, other factors can harm your smile. Issues such as bruxism may occur while you are unaware and can be detrimental to your overall well-being. Your El Paso, TX, dentist can help diagnose your condition and develop an… Read more »

Are Bruxism And TMJ Related?

If you frequently wake up with jaw pain, sensitive teeth, or headaches, these may be symptoms of either bruxism or temporomandibular joint disorder. The side effects of these conditions can be similar, and in some cases, patients may have both. Your Sunny Smiles dentistry in El Paso, TX, is here today to explain what these… Read more »

Is Bruxism Ruining Your Quality Of Rest?

If you often wake up with headaches, earaches, and a feeling of fatigue, something may be disrupting your sleep. Snoring and sleep apnea are often the culprits behind your rest being interrupted, but this could also be due to conditions like bruxism. Sunny Smiles Dentistry in El Paso, TX, can examine your concerns and help… Read more »

Is Teeth Grinding a Big Deal?

Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding or clenching, is a prevalent but often overlooked dental issue that can have significant consequences on oral health. It is characterized by the involuntary grinding or clenching of teeth, often occurring during sleep but also manifesting during waking hours. While occasional teeth grinding may not pose a severe threat,… Read more »

Sunny Smiles Can Solve Your Bruxism

If you grind your teeth while sleeping, you could threaten your oral health. It can be easy to prevent problems like cavities and gum disease with a consistent hygiene routine, but when it comes to bruxism, you may need another solution to help you. Patients tend to do this as they sleep and are unaware… Read more »

Feeling Tired Before Noon? Talk To Our Team

Waking Up rested el paso tx

If you find that you are exhausted before lunchtime, it may be a sign that you have a common sleep disorder. Two of the most common of these relate to oral health, and these can become real problems for your rest. Even more, they can become serious issues for your lasting oral health, so if… Read more »

Embrace The Day With Better Sleep

Embrace the day El Paso TX

If you struggle to make it to lunchtime without feeling exhausted, it may be a sign that you have a common sleep disorder related to your oral health. Two of the five most common of these conditions center around the function of your mouth and your throat, and they can make it difficult to enjoy… Read more »

Oral Appliance Therapy Protects Teeth From Grinding

Cheerful pretty blonde senior woman looking at camera, smiling with healthy white teeth, laughing, posing for shooting on sofa, touching chin. Senior lady home head shot portrait

Are you concerned about wear and tear on your smile from constant grinding? Do you wake up each morning with feelings of restlessness or soreness in your face and jaw muscles? Both of these conditions arise from involuntary movement of the jaw as you sleep at night. If this is your case, we could design… Read more »

Better Sleep with a Nightguard

Sunny Smiles Nightguard

Do you often wake up feeling as if you haven’t slept well, experiencing teeth sensitivity or jaw pain? At Sunny Smiles Family Dentistry, we look forward to helping you achieve a better night’s sleep by making you a custom-fit nightguard. These are oral devices designed to promote a restful night’s sleep, protect your teeth, and alleviate… Read more »

Signs You Should Look Into TMJ Therapy

When TMJ disorder is not being properly managed, it can have a significant effect on your quality of life. The stress and strain on your jaw can become a recurring issue, one that causes you to feel discomfort in your face, head, and neck. The longer it takes you to deal with this problem, the… Read more »